Foodpress is an easy to use restaurant menu management plugin for WordPress. Build unlimited food menu items for your restaurant, categorize them by dish type or meal type OR build your own custom categories. Show off those delicious food images and various data like nutrition information, spicy level, recipe etc for each food menu item for your restaurant menu.

You can also build multiple menus for different locations of your restaurants and manage them from the same place.

= 1.1.4 (2014-2-24)
ADDED: You can now add meal type description and via shortcode generator, select to show this under meal type name
ADDED: shortcode option to disable menu item clicks and read more button
ADDED: the ability to collapse menus on page load
ADDED: the ability to either have wysiwyg editor or single text line for custom meta fields
ADDED: one more custom meta field for menu items
ADDED: ability to category by dish type for meal type menu with a meal type ID
CHANGED: faster dynamic CSS load method - need re-saving appearnace
FIXED: foodpress settings page scripts and styles to eneuque to header
FIXED: popup price box color to match other price box colors
FIXED: CSS styles for mobile view for menu with images
FIXED: Bulk edit deleting all custom meta values for menu item
Foodpress v1.1.4 – Restaurant Menu Management WP Plugin
Download Foodpress v1.1.4 – Restaurant Menu Management WP Plugin
