Best WordPress Theme 2014 – X is truly the ultimate WordPress theme, and we look forward to proving it to you. Pick up your copy today!

Stacks – X includes multiple unique designs inside of one powerful theme. No setup required, works simply and easily. We refer to these designs as “Stacks.” There are currently three Stacks available in X, with more on the way. It’s like buying one theme and constantly getting access to new themes all the time

Experts – X was built upon the input of industry-leading experts. We consulted numerous individuals and asked them what sort of features they wanted to see in a theme from an SEO standpoint, design, feature-set, et cetera, and built their suggestions right into the theme. Forget the marketing speak, X truly delivers on what it promises.

Customizer – Being on the cutting edge of WordPress development is something we wanted to do from the start. Because of that, we made sure that we avoided the use of clunky additional admin panels and instead, opted to utilize the native WordPress Customizer (or rather, our souped up version of the WordPress Customizer). With this setup, you can preview all of the changes you make to your site live without any need to switch windows or refresh the browser over and over again. When you’re happy with your changes, select “Save & Publish” and your updates will go live

Responsive – Let’s face it: we live in a mobile world. It’s absolutely essential that your website be as accessible as possible on all devices. However, we felt that responsive design was something else we wanted to make even better. Instead of utilizing a design that merely changes every so often at fixed breakpoints, we opted for a completely fluid (percentage-based) design that looks great on all screen sizes (even the “in-between” ones). It’s something that truly has to be seen to gather the whole experience. So fire up your 27” iMac, 11” netbook, Kindle Fire, Android phone, or anything else you can conjure up – X will look fabulous on all of them.

Page Builder – If you are looking for a simple, visual way to build complex layouts with our Shortcodes, now you can! We have integrated a customized version of Visual Composer into X to use with our own Shortcodes (included as a separate plugin).

Typography – The web is first and foremost a typographic medium. Because of that, we wanted to ensure that the level of control over your site’s type was unparalleled in any other WordPress theme on the market. We’ve not only included over 600 free Google Fonts to use in your theme, we’ve made it so that all respective weights of each font are dynamically loaded, ultimately providing you with more choice, and better overall site performance. Adjust sizes, colors, letter spacing, capitalization, and so much more with X’s near endless typographic options.

Shortcodes – The bread and butter of any good theme. Shortcodes enable you to become a power user and take your site to new heights. But you’re only as good as what you’re provided with in your theme. With X, we’ve built 40 stellar shortcodes (plenty of them truly one of a kind), allowing you to build virtually any layout your mind can imagine. All shortcodes are included via a custom built plugin for easy maintenance

X v2.1.0 – The Ultimate WordPress Theme
 Download X v2.1.0 – The Ultimate WordPress Theme
