- Supports single and multiple day events
- Create weekly, monthly and yearly repeating events
- Create single day events
- Create events without end day or time
- Display upcoming events list by months
- Show a limit number of events per month on the calendar
- Categorized events based on two custom taxonomies
- Create calendars with only events from certain event categories
- Completely customize all the data on event rows in calendar
- Customize event data icons and add upto 2 additional custom data fields to events
- Google Maps customization: disable scrollwheel zooming, change map display type (roadmap, satellite, hybrid) and change map zoom level
- AJAX driven smooth month to month navigation
- Add calendar to your theme via shortcode or PHP template tag
- Integrated eventbrite to accept payments for paid events and setup limited space events!
- Integrated meetup to link events
- Integrated PayPal to accept payments for events
- Custom Language Text support and includes POT file for further customization
= 2.2.11 (2014-5-19) ADDED: rtl support ADDED: event type #3 into shortcode options if activated ADDED: shortcode option to expand sort options section on load per calendar ADDED: the ability to show featured image for events at 100% height ADDED: the ability to turn off schema data for events ADDED: the ability to turn off google fonts completely ADDED: extended repeat feature to support first, second etc. friday type repeat events ADDED: option to copy auto generated dynamic styles in case appearance doesnt save changes UPDATED: UI super smooth all CSS yes/no buttons UPDATED: Color picker rainbow circle no more changed it to a button UPDATED: unix for virtual repeat events to be stored from back-end to reduce load on front-end UPDATED: sort options and filters to close when clicked outside FIXED: jumper month names FIXED: eventon javascripts to load only on events pages in backend FIXED: license activation issue solved FIXED: events menu not showing up for some on left menu FIXED: eventon popup box not showing correct solved z-index FIXED: small bugs